Network for the Promotion of Change: NRCSA
Non-Recent Child Sexual Abuse (NRCSA) has become an area of debate and research and all sectors and stakeholders are calling for change.
In 2022 a group of survivors, academics and clinicians came together to form a Network dedicated to promoting change.
All members of the Network already work with NRCSA, and bring diverse expertise. We are passionate about adult survivors of CSA receiving better care and society accepting its role in preventing further child sexual abuse, and supporting those who live with the aftermath of having been subjected to unacceptable and repugnant experiences as children.
The Network are working together to educate, inspire and support anyone, and everyone, who wishes to be part of this change.
If you would like news or events relevant to this network posted here please email Susanna

Click the links below to read latest guidance and comment on
CSA disclosure
Guidance on the Management of Disclosures of
Non-Recent (Historic) Child Sexual Abuse (2023) | BPS
Blog by Khadj Rouf:
Revised guidance on responding to disclosures of non-recent abuse | BPS
Blog by Jo Stubley

Survivors, Academics & Clinicians
Working Together